metal clad roofs & box gutters

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Metal Clad Roofs & Box Gutters


At Drytec Ltd, we specialize in metal-clad roofs and box gutters. Our expertise includes commercial roof coatings and repairs with leading manufacturers like Tri-Roof, Rust-Oleum, TOR-Coatings, Centaur and Remmers. We provide seamless, anti-corrosive, and waterproofing systems, backed by leak and corrosion warranties.

In commercial and industrial settings, galvanised steel is cost-effective with low thermal expansion. However, its coating’s lifespan is about 10 years. Our specialised service protects galvanised steel gutters from corrosion, addressing joint failures and more. Trust us to fortify your metal roofs and gutters for lasting performance.


We also provide a complete cleaning and preparation service for metal clad roofs and box gutters prior to coating. These include rust and corrosion removal, to ensure the best surface adhesion for the coating.


In addition, we supply all access equipment and comprehensive risk assessments, prior to starting any metal clad roof and box gutter job. This ensures all health and safety regulations are met.


Depending on the selected protective system, Drytec Ltd can provide warranties for labour, manufacturer, or a combination of both. These warranties are available for periods of either 10 or 20 years. Variations in warranty terms may be contingent upon factors such as location and usage. All details can be discussed comprehensively with our potential clients during the enquiry stage.

Metal Clad Roofs

Signs of Damage

Peeling of Coating​​
The coating peels from the metal sheeting's cut edge, revealing bare metal and promoting rust, it is treated with an anti-corrosive coating before applying the roof coating.​
Delamination of Coating
The metal sheeting's exposure to elements occurs due to coating delamination; it is treated with anti-corrosive coating before applying the roof coating.​
Oxidation of Sheeting​
The Metal sheeting is exposed leading to rust within your metal sheeting, It is treated with an anti corrosive coating before the commercial roof coating is applied.​
Refurbished Coated Roof ​
With the assurance of a ten-year warranty, our commercial roof coating systems not only protect your roof from rust but also extend their longevity and performance.​​
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Box Gutters & Cut Edge Corrosion

Our Process

01. On-Site Inspection​
Our team conducts on-site inspections, providing in-depth diagnoses. Additionally, we collaborate closely with manufacturer representatives, who perform visual inspections to ensure precise project specifications.
02. Tailored Specification
Upon completion, you'll receive a meticulously customised photographic specification, carefully tailored to cater to your project's unique needs and demands with our team taking great care in gathering and collating information.
03. On-Site Installation
During the installation of your new system, our project manager, alongside our in-house installers, will be on-site to oversee the entire process. Their presence ensures seamless coordination and efficient execution for optimal results. ​
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Ready to Start Your Project?

We’re ready when you are! If your planning on starting metal clad roofs or box gutter work drop us an enquiry and one of our team will contact you for a free consultation and discuss how we can assist you.